Sunday, January 23, 2011

Baby's First Blog

Yes, believe it or not, I have never blogged. I've opened an etsy store, I have a facebook profile, I was on myspace back when it was cool, but I never got on the bloggin' wagon.

Where have I been?

I graduated from UC Davis in 2008 with a B.A. in English which I did not find helpful in a job search. After a year and a half of selling shoes I decided to return to school at SCC to get my degree in Graphic Communication.

I am trying to finish this degree as quickly as I possibly can so right now I am taking 5 GCOM classes. Even though they have just begun I am already neck deep in work. It's crazy, but I love the creativity.

I work on a creative project every day of my life. Whether it's GCOM homework, knitting, spinning yarn, or drawing I always keep the creative juices flowing.

Oh, and I have a wiener dog named Ziggy.

He is brave...-ish.

That's all for now!

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